Month: August 2014

Sora no Otoshimono android wallpapers

Sora no Otoshimono mobile phone wallpapers. Ikaros, Astraea and Nymph images for android and full-HD phones, Mikako Satsukitane and Sohara Mitsuki lock-screen
backgrounds for otaku smartphone!

Seikoku no Dragonar

Dragonar Academy smartphone wallpapers. Eco and Silvia Lautreamont backgrounds, Rebecca Randall, Lukka Saarinen and Anya android and full-HD wallpapers for otaku smartphone. Genre: Action, Fantasy, Ecchi, Harem, Romantic comedy.

No Game No Life

No Game No Life android and full HD wallpapers. Sora and Shiro wallpapers, Izuna Hatsuse, Kurami Zell lock-screen backgrounds, Stephanie Dola, Jibril, Fil Nilvalen and Miko images for otaku smartphone.